“I knew I could walk-in that day and see someone. That’s what I needed. I didn’t want to have to wait for an appointment.”

When you or a loved one needs immediate mental health and/or substance use services, our Mental Health & Substance Use Urgent Care is ready to help. Two locations.

  • WALK-IN, 9 AM - 5PM, Monday-Friday

  • 256 Washington Street, Mount Vernon, NY or 150 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY

  • No referral needed.

  • No appointment needed.

  • EVERYONE seen regardless of insurance or ability to pay.

  • All ages (children, adults, families).

Urgent Care is for anyone who:

  • is seeking help for the first time.

  • regularly receives help (either with us or elsewhere) and needs additional support between regular visits.

  • wants to address ANY kind of mental health or substance use concern.

Why visit the Urgent Care?

  • Feeling sad, depressed, or anxious

  • Seeking wellness & personal growth

  • Experiencing thoughts of suicide

  • Living through grief or loss

  • Participating in self-harm, such as cutting

  • Struggling with alcohol or other substance use (e.g.: pills, marijuana, heroin, etc.)

  • Seeking psychiatric support, including medication



9 AM - 5 PM

256 Washington St.
Mount Vernon, NY

150 Huguenot St., New Rochelle, NY


988 National Suicide & Crisis Hotline (call or text)


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Mental Health & Wellness Clinics