Mental Health & Addiction Services
Opioid Addiction & Recovery (METRO)

“I started using heroin at 18 and bounced between oxy and heroin for years. METRO helped stabilize me. I’ve gotten married, and I have a job.”
Please call to make an intake appointment at 914-613-0700 x3459.
Our METRO program provides integrated methadone maintenance and mental health services to address the physical and emotional needs of opioid-dependent adults (18 years+) and those with co-occurring disorders. METRO is a safe and comprehensive outpatient treatment service program which helps improve the medical and emotional lives of those addicted to opioids (including heroin and prescription pain medications). METRO is not a detox center.
METRO offers
Individual and group counseling
Mental health services onsite
Referrals to additional services & resources
Monday-Friday, 6 AM-1:45 PM
Saturday-Sunday, 7-10 AM
Open every day except July 4, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day
Expected outcomes INCLUDE
Improved survival rates
Increased treatment retention
Improved birth outcomes
Improved functioning in employment
Improved family/interpersonal relationships
Decreased opioid use
20 Sickles Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
914-613-0700 x3459
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